Hello There Potential New Recruit,

Please use your in game character name when signing up on the forums.

Hiro Takachiho here to let you know that we are very happy that you are interested in joining the Moogle Conspiracy community! I have a few things I need to go over with you before you push that apply button. First off, we are a very friendly community. That being said I wish to keep the environment friendly and safe for everyone in <TMC>, so please be sure to be respectful when conversing in FC chat. Also, it can be really hard to find players that have applied to the FC in game so if you are looking for an invite please either submit an in game application, which can be done by going to our company profile in game and submitting an application (this also makes it so we can add you even if you arent online), or message one of our members and they will try to get an available officer to send the invite. And lastly, we use the forums on this site to schedule Coil groups, Primal carries, and FC events so please be sure to check them often to stay up-to-date with whats going on in the FC. And with that I say:

Welcome To The Moogle Conspiracy

- Hiro Takachiho
You must be logged into Guildwork in order to apply and/or view your application status.